Contract Legal Services

Johnston Legal and Mediation Services provides attorneys with contract-based assistance in all aspects of case development including:  pleadings, discovery, motion practice, expert selection, preparation and depositions, technical document review, and pre-trial motions up to and including trial.  When you or your firm have project work or practice-wide necessity for expansion of your capacity, JLMS can provide flexibility and quality of work at much less cost than hiring an employee or associate.  The following areas are the specialties:

  • Construction and Construction Defect
    Case development from both the defense and plaintiff standpoints in the selection of experts, developing a forensic protocol, analyzing possible dispositive motions, analysis of technical documents, evaluation of indemnity and hold harmless agreements, expert and percipient depositions, motions in limini and trial preparation.

  • Environmental and Toxic Torts
    Case development from both the defense and plaintiff standpoints in the selection of experts, developing a forensic protocol, analyzing possible dispositive motions, analysis of technical documents, evaluation of indemnity and hold harmless agreements, expert and percipient depositions, motions in limini and trial preparation.
  • Personal injury
    Scientific and technical expertise will assist the attorney in analyzing the causation, damages and the necessary expert testimony for either prosecution or defense of such claims, including mold, exposure to noxious odors including VOCs and SVOCs.
  • Homeowners Association Claims
    Experience representing homeowners associations in a multitude of association claims is valuable to attorneys needing assistance in the mandatory Alternative Dispute Resolution process, arbitration, and trial. These claims often rise out contentious and emotional matters in developing the facts under the Davis-Stirling Act  in prosecution or defense of claims involving common interest developments.
  • Real Property Disputes Including Non-Disclosure
    Invaluable assistance in the development of theories of recovery, the foundation facts to support claims or their defenses in nuisance, non-disclosure, breach of CC& Rs, boundary disputes, and trespass and partition actions.

  • General Business Litigation
    Review of complex and voluminous technical documents, contracts, developing a forensic protocol, monitoring and directing forensic accountants and economists, and establishing the facts through written discovery tools and depositions.

  • Mediation and ADR
    More than 30 years of mediation experience assisting clients in arriving at an amicable resolution of their dispute through ADR Mediation Services.



ADR Mediation Services

    Contact Us: 619.977.7751